The Right Way to Give Back While Building Teams

Presenter: Lain Hensley, President of Innovation & Delivery and Co-Founder of Odyssey Teams, Inc.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management concept to ensure that companies conduct their business in a way that is ethical. While some such as the hugely successful Ben & Jerry’s have made it their primary focus, others simply practice some form of CSR. But what about a company that is just getting started and wants to develop a CSR program that has real substance; a strategy and approach that will resonate with employees for years to come? A program that is more robust than a check mark in a CSR box.

Lain Hensley, President of Innovation & Delivery and co-founder of Odyssey Teams will lead a lively, engaging and interactive discussion on the topic. Specifically, he will address what companies can do to put their best foot forward with philanthropic programs that connect participants to each other in a meaningful way and also produces meaningful work.

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