“But what if instead of missing the sun, we appreciate the stars? Can we look to the future of events with curiosity, wonder and excitement instead of sadness for what’s ended?”

Can you imagine how the first astronauts must have felt leaving Earth to discover a new place for the first time? Watching their home, their friends and family and everything they knew get smaller and smaller out the window until they couldn’t see it anymore? I can imagine how that felt and I think you can empathize, too.

Because just like space explorers to a far-away world, we’re packed in together on space ship set for destinations unknown and we’re experiencing turbulence. Welcome to the ride—and I’m sorry we’re here, but 2020 ordered all aboard, insisted we go at COVID-point and we couldn’t say no.

Remember when we were in control of things? When our clients’ biggest stresses, last-minute changes, all-out panics would come in via email and we’d go into action mode. We’d start calling and texting, partnering with vendors, getting our team updated and on boarding, shifting at a moment’s notice to be the heroes and heroines we built our reputations on being for them. We’d save the day. Every day. Again and again. We’d take visions, goals, hopes, ideas and make them reality. We’d make fears, stresses, mistakes and surprises melt into happiness and memories.

It was a golden time.

Just like the golden hour photographers so love to shoot in, right before the sun sets, the golden time fades to darkness and that’s where you—and I—find ourselves right now.  We can still make out shadows and memories of what it was like in the golden light and yearn for it, knowing we won’t ever go back.

But what if instead of missing the sun, we appreciate the stars? Can we look to the future of events with curiosity, wonder and excitement instead of sadness for what’s ended?

That’s the choice we’re presented with now—every day—aboard this ship into the new world of events. When you look into the telescope of the future, what you see and envision for yourself is 100 percent up to you. My hope for you is that you let curiosity be a your lens for looking at the season ahead.

We don’t know what’s to come, but if your past performance has shown you anything, the highs and lows you can and will survive—hell, you’ll triumph! The stars in the sky have lasted for millions of years—surely we can last this stretch and shine brighter on the other side.

A Call to Emotional Arms

  • As a high performer and expert in your field, will you hear the call to be curious instead of critical with yourself and others? You must.
  • As a professional, will you be more curious with what can go right and be improved than what can go wrong? There are so many upsides.
  • As a leader and visionary, will you be curious to grow and see new opportunities and creative partnerships? I know you will attract them.
  • As a friend and community member, will you be curious to other’s emotions and needs, while holding space for your own? We need to stick together.
  • As a person, will you be curious with yourself about what you need and desire—even if it’s something different than what you have today? This is your life.

So, what is it that we do with our time? What role do we play on this ship into the new world of meetings and events? The choice is yours. But I promise you this: The future we’re going toward is better than the past we’ve left behind.

I hope to see you aboard. I’ll be the one making margaritas and the first round is on me.

Rachel Sheerin is an award-winning keynote speaker and sales trainer focused on burnout, happiness and success. Host of F THIS S, the podcast that keeps love in your work and life, Rachel serves as Director of Global Awards for the Association for Women in Events, is a partner of The James Beard Foundation and takes her margaritas on the rocks. Connect with her at RachelSheerin.com.
